Welcome To The Bookshelf!

Well, it's safe to say that no one really expected that 2020 would be starting off on the foot we have, and it's important to be finding our joy where we can. For me, at the moment that's a mix of completing some online courses, painting (don't be too impressed, it's paint by the numbers), crocheting (again, a beginner, but I'm enjoying it), growing some vegetables, and reading. So, what am I looking forward to reading soon? Welcome to the bookshelf.

I'll confess, I'm on a little bit of an Avery Flynn kick at the moment. Her books follow a similar format, but can I stop reading them? No. I'll admit her earlier books are a little more serious, so I've been heavily enjoying her later works which are fluffy, steamy, and light-hearted, something everyone needs a bit of at the moment. So, starting off with her Hartigan series, I'm heading to read, 'Butterface.'

It’s true. I’m not what most people would call “pretty” and, well, high school was rough. Fast forward ten years and life is good…Until a bunch of jerks think it’s hilarious to put the “butterface” (AKA me) on a wedding Kiss Cam with the hottest guy ever—and that old humiliation hits hard.
I recognize him immediately. The sexiest cop in Waterbury and totally out of my league. But then he kisses me. And we totally forget the room, the crowd, everything. Then he tells everyone we’ve been dating for months.

Soon everything starts to feel too real, from adorable fights over “necessary” tools to fix my broken porch to surviving a free-for-all dinner with his six siblings to picking up where our last kiss left off. But there’s something he’s not telling me about why he’s really hanging around, and I’m pretty sure it has to do with my mob-connected brothers. Because this is not a make-over story, and Cinderella is only a fairy tale…

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

One of my favourite authors will always be Meg Cabot. I've loved her writing for 18 long years, and I highly doubt anything will ever change that. And right now, I need a bit of familiarity, so it's time for a re-read, and a very strong recommendation, for the Princess Diaries series.

‘You’re not Mia Thermopolis any more, honey,’ Dad said. ‘You’re Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo. Princess of Genovia.’
A PRINCESS?? ME??? Yeah. Right.

One minute Mia’s a totally normal Manhattan 14-year-old. Next minute she’s heir to the throne of Genovia, being trailed by a trigger-happy bodyguard, taking princess lessons with her bonkers old grandmere, and having a makeover with someone called Paolo. Well, her dad can lecture her till he’s royal-blue in the face, but no way is Mia going to turn herself into a style-queen. And they think she’s moving to Genovia? Er, hello?

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

 And it's time to add an Advanced Reading Copy to my list, kindly supplied by Netgalley. I haven't read novels from Ally Blake before, but I will confess to loving Harlequin Romance novels.

A man in a million…There’s only one problem: he’s her boss!

Single mom Lucinda Starling has lost faith in love or happy-ever-afters. She must protect the important things: her young son and her job working for entrepreneur Angus Wolfe! Her commitment phobe boss must never know she’s crazy about him! Until one evening at a conference he looks at her like she’s the only woman in the world… Dare she risk all and be tempted by Angus?

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

What are you reading, or looking forward too? Drop me a comment and let me know!


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