Author Spotlight: Meg Cabot

Welcome to another Author Spotlight! This week the spotlight is on one of my all-time ultimate favourite authors, Meg Cabot.

I first fell in love with Ms. Cabot's books back at the age of 11 when one of my friends introduced me to the Princess Diaries series in the school library. I don't think I really picked up too many of her books then, not realizing it was a series (duh...), but once I realized, I absolutely flew through them. As I continued to grow, so did her genre, and I was delighted to move onto her adult series, which are honestly, just incredible. Her books have literally made me laugh out loud (embarassingly loud) in public, and I've had a few curious questions as to what I'm reading. But honestly? I just love her books. There's something just so appealing and honest about them, and it just makes me feel like I'm talking to an old friend.

As mentioned above, I did start with her Princess Diaries series, and actually finished them when I was in high school - the perfect age for reading these as that matches up with Mia's situation. I was surprised to see a later release, The Royal Wedding, and eagerly picked that up too. So, I can continue fawning over her works, but, if you haven't read her books yet, do yourself a favor and get them. I will say that some of her books got me through some tough times in my life, and when I need a cheer-up, hers are the books I turn too.

So, now we come to the hard decision of which ones are my favourite? I'll continue to limit myself to three so that this isn't too overwhelmingly long to read, but know that all of her books are incredible.

1. Every Boy's Got One (The Boys Series Book 3) by Meg Cabot

Every Boy's Got One (The Boy Series Book 3) by Meg Cabot
Cartoonist Jane Harris is delighted by the prospect of her first-ever trip to Europe. But it's hate at first sight for Jane and Cal Langdon, and neither is too happy at the prospect of sharing a villa with one another for a week—not even in the beautiful and picturesque Marches countryside. But when Holly and Mark's wedding plans hit a major snag that only Jane and Cal can repair, the two find themselves having to put aside their mutual dislike for one another in order to get their best friends on the road to wedded bliss—and end up on a road themselves ... one neither of them ever expected.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

2. Princess Mia (also called Bad Heir Day in the UK) by Meg Cabot

Princess Mia (Princess Diaries Series Book 9) by Meg Cabot
Princess Mia Thermopolis has hit an all-time low. Lilly isn't speaking to her. Someone is posting horrible things about her on Grandmere is forcing her to give a speech to two thousand of the most powerful businesswomen in America. And, oh yeah: Michael, the love of her life, has dumped her.
But despite what the press seems to think, Mia has more on her mind than recruiting a new Prince Charming. Like solving a 400-year-old mystery that could mean BIG changes for little Genovia. But is Mia really ready to throw away her tiara – especially if it means destroying a dynasty?
Bad Heir Day, previously published as To the Nines, is the ninth in the bestselling The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

3. She Went All The Way by Meg Cabot

She Went All The Way by Meg Cabot
Success hasn't spoiled screenwriter Lou Calabrese -- it's just given her a taste for luxury. And it's put her in some bizarre situations -- like in a helicopter en route to the wilds of Alaska, sharing too-close quarters with the last man she wants to be with: Jack Townsend! Once a sexy nobody whom Lou helped make a somebody, Jack's just been dumped by a high-profile Hollywood airhead -- who's eloped with Lou's longtime love! So what else could go wrong?


Their pilot could try to shoot the most adored man in America. They could crash land in the icy, mountainous middle of nowhere. And at the worst possible moment, when survival should be their only consideration, Jack could start wondering if maybe he wasn't a wee bit too hasty for not giving this sexy screenwriter a second look -- while Lou could start noticing how superstar Jack is kind of hot after all ..

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

What's your favourite novel from Ms. Cabot?


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