The Bride & The Beast - Teresa Medeiros

Dear Reader,

I'd been prowling the crumbling ruins of Castle Weyrcraig for so long that I could no longer remember if I was man or beast. Then one stormy night the superstitious Highlanders of Ballybliss decided to leave a helpless virgin bound to a stake in the castle courtyard to satisfy my insatiable appetites.

My demands might strike terror in the hearts of men, but this bold beauty dared to defy me. After she informed me that she didn't believe in dragons, I had no choice but to make her my prisoner--or risk being exposed to those I had sought to deceive with my dangerous masquerade.

Soon I found myself stealing into the moonlit tower just to watch her sleep. Little does she know that beneath this beast's gruff exterior beats the passionate heart of a man. Gwendolyn Wilder may not believe in dragons, but I intend to use all my sensual wiles to teach her to believe in something even more magical--true love.

Eternally yours,

The Dragon of Weyrcraig

I will start by saying that I fell in love with Teresa Medeiros when I was a teenager and that her books are something to be treasured and re-read over and over. This book is no exception.

Set in Scotland in the 1700s, the reader is instantly drawn into the beauty and romance of the highlands, and the romance writing of time gone by, where the reader is sucked into the story and it's one remembered for years to come. I can't count how many times I've re-read this novel, but it stands out as a truly memorable novel - something rare in this day. All characters, minor and major, make you cheer for them and sigh with them.

One thing that I love about Ms. Medeiros' writing is how easy it is to become completely absorbed. Her writing keeps you itching for more (generally resulting in completing each novel in one sitting), along with being beautifully paced. We aren't instantly thrown into a romance between our characters (combined with an excellent plot), and the slow-build is perfectly paced. Not only does she focus on the romance between our characters, but also adds an intriguing plot that combined with the romance, result in the perfect novel.

There aren't enough good things I can say about this novel, but one that I strongly encourage anyone that is a fan of romance to read.

Rating: 5/5

Click here to purchase from Amazon.


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