Weekly Round-Up

It's officially here! We're in the second half of 2020 - who would have thought? We've had some great books come out so far, and still many more yet to come.

So what have I been up to this week? I'll confess to being somewhat distracted and finding it a bit difficult to concentrate on reading. As you might have seen from some of my other posts I have been going back to old favourites and happily re-reading, so prepare for some older books coming your way soon!

But, back to what I've actually been doing this week. The debate has continued as to who is the better e-book platform, I'm still nowhere close to making a decision, but check it out here. I'd still love to hear your opinions, so please drop me a comment and let me know where I should be getting my books from! Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely love to buy physical books, but given I already own over 500, I've been given a warning as to how many more I'm allowed until we have no more room in the house - until then, I'll have to make do with my e-books!

In case you missed it, check out my book reviews of the week here (click on the picture):

            Battle of the Bulge (OHellNo 4) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff          No Judgements (Little Bridge Island) by Meg Cabot

I did have a look at books I'm looking forward to releasing this month, but I'll confess to struggling. I'm really not sure why, and I'm possibly looking in the wrong place, but I could only find two that I was really excited about here. Let me know what you're looking forward to in July!

Happy reading everyone.


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