Happy Monday! The Debate Continues: Kindle Unlimited or Scribd?

Happy Monday everyone!

We're now almost officially halfway through the year, and what a year it's been. I think it's safe to say it's not the year that anyway had expected, but, we're getting through it. I haven't been to a wedding since I was about five and had three scheduled to attend this year (one of which I'll be attending as Maid of Honor, needless to say I am slightly nervous), but sadly had to be postponed. But, we will get there.

Until then, we'll continue to keep our heads held high, and then low when we read our romance books!

So what's coming up this week? I've read some more great books that I can't wait for you to hear about, but in an effort to keep myself contained and not overload, I am pacing myself with my review release dates, but be prepped! Until then, let's continue with the Amazon Kindle Unlimited vs Scribd saga (it started here, with part two here).

I've had it in my head for months that my Scribd membership was due to end on 24th June. Don't ask me why that specific fate, I'm just sure that I read it somewhere and it stuck. So, I've kept downloading books on my Scribd account until then, happily reading, and as you know, last week I switched over to Kindle Unlimited, believing my membership with Scribd to have ended.

I then went and accessed my Scribd account to see that it had actually ended the end of December 2019 and I honestly don't know how for the life of me I've been reading books since then as I haven't seen anything saying I couldn't. Logging in again, I then saw a message about my free trial coming to an end, only I haven't signed up for a free trial, so I'm definitely confused. Has anyone experienced anything like this? And, to my original question, has anyone found a great ebook website yet?

Happy reading everyone!


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