Saturday Night Film Night

Checking out the most popular post of this week, I was a little shocked and happy to find it was Saturday Night Film Night! So, what are we watching this weekend?

27 Dresses Katherine Heigl James Marsden

After serving as a bridesmaid 27 times, a young women wrestles with the idea of standing by her sister's side as her sibling marries the man she's secretly in love with.

Also one of my favourite the films, 27 Dresses is just magical. It does resonate with me for a variety of reasons, but everything about this film is fabulous. I would like to ask who hasn't fallen in love with James Marsden by the end of this (definitely not me), and the two leads just match perfectly. There's fun, romance, a great supporting cast that we do get to know, and also a great musical number.

What are you watching this weekend?


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