(ARC) The Wedding Date Disaster by Avery Flynn

The Wedding Date Disaster by Avery Flynn
I can’t believe I have to go home to Nebraska for my sister’s wedding. I’m gonna need a wingman and a whole lot of vodka for this level of family interaction. At least my bestie agreed he’d man up and help. Too bad he had to catch a different flight than me. Then his plane got delayed. And finally—because bad things always happen in threes—instead of my best friend, his evil twin strolls out of the airport.

If you looked up doesn’t-deserve-to-be-that-confident, way-too-hot-for-his-own-good billionaire in the dictionary, you’d find a picture of Will Holt. He’s awful. Horrible. The worst—even if his butt looks phenomenal in those jeans.

Ten times worse? My buffer was supposed to be there to keep me away from the million and one family events. But Satan’s spawn just grins and signs us up for every. Single. Thing.

Fine. “Cutthroat” Scrabble? I’m in. I can’t wait to take this guy down a notch.

But somewhere between Pictionary and the teasing glint in his eyes, our bickering starts to feel like more than just a game…

Thanks to Ms. Flynn and Entangled Publishing, I was lucky enough to receive an Advanced Review Copy of her upcoming romance novel, The Wedding Date Disaster due out 25th August. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

I fell in love with Ms. Flynn's novels back in her Hartigan series with Tomboy, and then followed her through to her Ice Knight series, and then back through her older novels. While I will say that   Tomboy still remains my firm favourite of all her novels, this one may well be tied for first place, and if not, I will say that without doubt, it's her best novel since Tomboy's release.

The enemies to lovers trope is not new, but, all the elements combined in this novel just made it work so well. One of the things that I love best about her novels is that the secondary characters actually are present and provide substance to the story, they're not just mentioned once and never heard from again. While at its core it still remains a romance novel, there were so many elements of family and friendship added that it just worked beautifully and felt like I was dropped into this new world that was fully planned out.

The romance between our two leads is beautiful, steamy and has its heart-breaking moments at times. I'll confess that there were elements thrown in that I didn't expect, and this just made it even better. Both characters are fully formed and likeable, and you just can't help but cheer for them both.

Spoilers Ahead
I will confess that tears were shed during this book, which doesn't usually happen. It did get somewhat emotional at times, and added in (trigger warning: suicide) was a very sad turn in the story where we learn that our heroine's father committed suicide, having an impact on how her relationships and interactions with  family adjusted. It was beautifully written and emotional, and something not just added in for a shock value, but did have a point in the story.
Spoilers Finished

As mentioned above, I think this is Ms. Flynn's best novel to date since Tomboy, and I will confess that it still remains my permanent favorite number one from her, but I think this one definitely has sneaked up to be joint first. A definite must-read, and the perfect summer romance!

Rating: 4.5/5

Click here to pre-order from Amazon, available 25th August.


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