Happy Friday!

We've made it to another Friday! We're officially over halfway done the year now, I don't know how on earth that's happened.

I started out the week letting you know that I was lucky enough to receive an advanced review copy of best-selling romance author Avery Flynn's newest upcoming novel, The Wedding Date Disaster, along with finally finishing designing a book review tracker! The book review tracker has been in the works for some times, as while I do love computers, there's nothing like having it physically in front of you.

If you haven't checked out my reviews this week, click on the picture below to be taken to them:

                   The Wedding Date Disaster by Avery Flynn       Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot

The Author Spotlight this week was on Teresa Medeiros, one of my all-time favourite best-selling romance authors. If you haven't checked it out yet, click here to find out my favourite books from her, and some great new historical romance reads!

Next week I'm continuing to delve back into my old and loved favourites. I'm still finding it hard to actually get into a new series/author/book at the moment - does anyone have any recommendations?

Happy Friday!


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