Saturday Night Film Night

Who doesn't need a night of just pure happiness? For me, books and films are about escaping into a happy reality. When I'm in the right mood, I do love historical and action films, but a lot of the time recently, I just need something to just make me happy, and that's why this week, I'm watching the Princess Diaries.

The Princess Diaries

Mia Thermopolis has just found out that she is the heir apparent to the throne of Genovia. With her friends Lilly and Michael Moscovitz in tow, she tries to navigate through the rest of her sixteenth year.

I still remember the day that my friend showed me the Princess Diaries series, somewhere at the tender age of 11. I immediately fell in love and continued eagerly reading and awaiting the rest of the series, and reading the rest of Ms. Cabot's works. So you can imagine my joy when this was turned into a film! And then another one came out!

The film doesn't follow the books, something which is actually hilariously addressed in the books by Ms. Cabot, but that doesn't make it any less perfect. Also, you have Chris Pine and Julie Andrews. So, I don't see how they can be anything less than perfect! I have read that there will also be a third film releasing at some point, I'm not sure the full accuracy to this (I've been awaiting the announcement of National Treasure 3 for over 8 years now...), but I'm crossing my fingers!

Honestly, the book series itself is my favourite book series of all time (no exaggeration), and the films are just the perfect cherry on top!

What are you watching this weekend?


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