Battle of the Bulge (OHellNo 4) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Battle of the Bulge by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, OHellNo series 4
MY NAME IS MITCH HOFER. I’m a world-famous swimmer from Australia, best known for three things: my gold medals, my looks, and filling out a swimsuit with my…eh-hem—bulky equipment. Let’s just say there’s a reason my nickname is “the Bulge.” But beyond the fame, sponsors, and glory, there’s more to me than people know, including one hell of a mess I’ve gotten mixed up in. Life-or-death stuff, so bring in the professionals. Just don’t give me a chick bodyguard. Especially a young hot one who distracts me at every turn and hates my guts…
MY NAME IS ABI CARTER, and I hate Mitch Hofer. Yeah, he might be the sexiest champion swimmer in the world, but I’d give this guy a gold medal for being a first-class jerk. Unfortunately, my boss has given me a choice—guard Mitch or get another job. And I really need the money. I can be professional, but if Mitch says “chicks can’t be bodyguards” one more time, I just might strangle him myself. Still, something about the way Mitch keeps looking at me makes me think there’s more to his story. It’s almost as if he’s trying to drive me away. But why?
I picked up the first in Ms. Pamfiloff's OHellNo series a few weeks ago when it was being offered free through Prime. It was interesting and kept my attention, but there were a few things that just didn't sit just quite right, so I didn't really want to continue. But, this one came to my attention, and as a former competitive swimmer/lifeguard/lifeguard trainer/basically a water creature and wishing I could be a mermaid, I couldn't ignore the opportunity of a romance novel with a competitive swimmer being our male lead, and I'm very glad I didn't.
Ms. Pamfiloff takes on the classic trope of a bodyguard romance, but puts it in reverse here, with our male lead being protected by our female lead, and not liking it one bit. While Mitch comes across as a less than stellar lead at first, we're quickly drawn into exactly why he's doing it, and he does actually become someone I'm cheering for. I would say that I'm not as much of a cheerleader for Abi, I can't quite pinpoint it, but I think she's so quickly flipping through judgements that it's somewhat hard to keep up with.
The plot line itself was fantastic, and I will confess, I was a little worried to turn off the lights last night (may have been a 2:05am finish), but still primarily focusing on the relationship between Abi and Mitch. The plot flows in tandem and slightly secondary to the character's relationship, which is the perfect blend in my opinion.
The romance scenes themselves were hot and steamy, and I'll be a little selfish here and say I wish there had been more of them and the book just a little longer so I could get more of their story (and those scenes, I can't deny it).
A definite steamy read with some of my favourite tropes flipped on their head, and a perfect summer read.
Rating: 4/5

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

Have you read this book yet? Drop a comment and let us know your thoughts!

Happy Monday! The Debate Continues: Kindle Unlimited or Scribd?

Happy Monday everyone!

We're now almost officially halfway through the year, and what a year it's been. I think it's safe to say it's not the year that anyway had expected, but, we're getting through it. I haven't been to a wedding since I was about five and had three scheduled to attend this year (one of which I'll be attending as Maid of Honor, needless to say I am slightly nervous), but sadly had to be postponed. But, we will get there.

Until then, we'll continue to keep our heads held high, and then low when we read our romance books!

So what's coming up this week? I've read some more great books that I can't wait for you to hear about, but in an effort to keep myself contained and not overload, I am pacing myself with my review release dates, but be prepped! Until then, let's continue with the Amazon Kindle Unlimited vs Scribd saga (it started here, with part two here).

I've had it in my head for months that my Scribd membership was due to end on 24th June. Don't ask me why that specific fate, I'm just sure that I read it somewhere and it stuck. So, I've kept downloading books on my Scribd account until then, happily reading, and as you know, last week I switched over to Kindle Unlimited, believing my membership with Scribd to have ended.

I then went and accessed my Scribd account to see that it had actually ended the end of December 2019 and I honestly don't know how for the life of me I've been reading books since then as I haven't seen anything saying I couldn't. Logging in again, I then saw a message about my free trial coming to an end, only I haven't signed up for a free trial, so I'm definitely confused. Has anyone experienced anything like this? And, to my original question, has anyone found a great ebook website yet?

Happy reading everyone!

Saturday Night Film Night

Checking out the most popular post of this week, I was a little shocked and happy to find it was Saturday Night Film Night! So, what are we watching this weekend?

27 Dresses Katherine Heigl James Marsden

After serving as a bridesmaid 27 times, a young women wrestles with the idea of standing by her sister's side as her sibling marries the man she's secretly in love with.

Also one of my favourite the films, 27 Dresses is just magical. It does resonate with me for a variety of reasons, but everything about this film is fabulous. I would like to ask who hasn't fallen in love with James Marsden by the end of this (definitely not me), and the two leads just match perfectly. There's fun, romance, a great supporting cast that we do get to know, and also a great musical number.

What are you watching this weekend?

Weekly Round-Up

Things are looking up this week as we're going into July! Some parts of normality are returning, and I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. Until then, I'm going to keep burying my head in my happy place of romance novels and keep my fingers crossed!

It's a bit crazy to think we'll be in July next week. I had many plans for what my July was going to look like, but, I've also accomplished some things I'd been meaning to for awhile and hadn't had time too, so there's that! 

But, what have I been up to this week? Well, I've found some fantastic (and new favourite) authors who I'm excited for you to read about and discover, and re-read some old favourites. In case you missed it, check out what I've reviewed this week below (click on the pictures to be taken to the review):

                        The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory          Loud Mouth (Ice Knights series Book 3) by Avery Flynn

I've continued my exploration to find the best e-book provider and finding out more about Kindle Unlimited here. Plus, in case you're looking for a fantastic and light-hearted action/mystery romance, I've given you a list of recommendations here.

Don't miss dropping by tomorrow for our Saturday Night Film Night recommendation, and let us know what you've been reading this week!

Loud Mouth (Ice Knights series Book 3) by Avery Flynn

Loud Mouth, Ice Knights Series Book 3 by Avery Flynn
I never meant to say a word, not one single word. But I did. Now because of something I leaked--without even realizing it--I've inadvertently broken up one of the Ice Knights' most legendary bromances. And worse--I've kicked hockey star Ian Petrov's grumpy level to insane levels of grump.

And what could make it worse? How about the two of us being trapped together in a remote cabin after a massive blizzard. Neither of us can leave. Just us, the snow, his resentment, and OMG sexual tension so thick it would take a snowplow to break through it. I've got to get out of here before I do something even dumber than I've already done and kiss the sexy grouch with his misplaced anger and perfect pecs. That would be the worst, the absolute worst. But... would it be terrible if we gave in? Just a little? It's not like we're ever going to have to spend time together again.

Until the next morning when we're told we have to play chummy for the press until this news cycle blows over. F.M.L.

It's finally here!! I've been waiting for this book for awhile, so definitely couldn't wait to get start on this when I finally got it downloaded. I absolutely love hockey romance books, I couldn't tell you why specifically hockey (although maybe it has something to do with one of home countries!), but they are my catnip.

This is the third book in Ms. Flynn's Ice Knights series and in the Harbor City world. We're aware of Ian and some of the other characters mentioned from previous works, along with The Biscuit, so it's nice to see their story.

We're immediately thrown right into the story and into the major problem at hand - dealing with the fact that two former best friends are actually brothers and one has known for a long time, and the other is just finding out. Along with the fact that the person who accidentally leaked this secret is our female lead. We pick up straight into the chemistry between our leads, and the romance comes later.

Spoilers Ahead.
While I did love this book and the plotline, I did find myself slightly disappointed with not knowing more. We have a great plot with numerous side adventures that I would have loved to have seen more of, along with the romance between our two leads. While things were wrapped up for the most part, it would have just been nice to have seen more of the romance between our leads and more information about tidbits given, such as the relationship between Zara and her mother, or Zara changing her mind about leaving Harbor City. Don't get me wrong, this is a good summer romance read and one that does keep you entertained, I just was left feeling slightly unsatisfied.

Overall, another great summer read from Ms. Flynn, and I'm hopeful that we'll still have more left in the series!

Rating: 3/5

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

Best Action/Mystery Comedy Romance

I read a large variety of romance genres, but above all, there must be a happy ending, I'll have hoped to have laughed during the book, and it has to keep my interest. 

It's slightly odd to say an action/mystery comedy romance, but they definitely do exist, and are some of my favourite romances. I've kept going back to these over and over and they kept my attention all the way. I absolutely love the below action/mystery comedy romance genre, and I hope you do too!

1. Nerd Gone Wild (The Nerd Series Book 3) by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Nerd Gone Wild (The Nerd Series Book 3) by Vicki Lewis Thompson
She's giving him the cold shoulder…
Porcupine, Alaska was the last place on earth Mitchell Carruthers wanted to end up. Scratch that. Stuck at heiress Ally Jarrett’s side as a personal assistant was the last place. Porcupine boasts its share of wacky locals, but he’s more concerned about the man Ally’s scheduled to meet—her lowlife, two-faced uncle, who reeled Ally in by promising to help build her photography career. His real goal is duping her out of her inheritance.

Her uncle’s brought along a world famous photographer to mentor Ally, but the woman’s a sexual predator who gives Mitchell chills. Unfortunately, being in close quarters with Ally is giving him chills of a very different kind. When a blizzard blows through town, trapping them in their adjoining rooms, their relationship suddenly goes from glacial to global warming. But with so much at stake, a distraction, no matter how tempting, could cost them their lives. 

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

2. She Went All The Way by Meg Cabot

She Went All The Way by Meg Cabot
There are a few places screenwriter Lou Calabrese would rather be than crammed into a helicopter with Jack Townsend, star of her claim to fame, Copkiller, and whose ex just ran off with Lou's ex. Talk about uncomfortable. But when, halfway out to the isolated arctic location where Copkiller IV is currently shooting, their pilot turns murderous and their helicopter crashes, Lou realizes her day has just gotten a lot worse.
Now, while family and friends back home fret over her disappearance, Lou is on the run in the arctic wilderness with America's sweetheart Jack Townsend and only the contents of her purse, his pockets, and their mutual knowledge of survival movie trivia to keep them alive. Can these two children of Hollywood put aside their differences and make it back home without killing each other? Or much, much worse, actually start to like one another?

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

3. Size 12 Is Not Fat (Heather Wells Mysteries Book 1) by Meg Cabot

Size 12 Is Not Fat (Heather Wells Mysteries Book 3) by Meg Cabot
Heather Wells Rocks! Or, at least, she did. That was before she left the pop-idol life behind after she gained a dress size or two -- and lost a boyfriend, a recording contract, and her life savings (when Mom took the money and ran off to Argentina). Now that the glamour and glory days of endless mall appearances are in the past, Heather's perfectly happy with her new size 12 shape (the average for the American woman!) and her new job as an assistant dorm director at one of New York's top colleges. That is, until the dead body of a female student from Heather's residence hall is discovered at the bottom of an elevator shaft.
The cops and the college president are ready to chalk the death off as an accident, the result of reckless youthful mischief. But Heather knows teenage girls . . . and girls do not elevator surf. Yet no one wants to listen -- not the police, her colleagues, or the P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives -- even when more students start turning up dead in equally ordinary and subtly sinister ways. So Heather makes the decision to take on yet another new career: as spunky girl detective!
But her new job comes with few benefits, no cheering crowds, and lots of liabilities, some of them potentially fatal. And nothing ticks off a killer more than a portly ex-pop star who's sticking her nose where it doesn't belong . . .

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

4. Royally Endowed (The Royally Series Book 3) by Emma Chase

Royally Endowed (The Royally Series Book 3) by Emma Chase
Logan St. James is a smoldering, sexy beast. Sure, he can be a little broody at times—but Ellie Hammond’s willing to overlook that. Because, have you seen him?? Sexy. As. Hell. And Ellie’s perky enough for both of them. For years, she’s had a crush on the intense, protective royal security guard—but she doesn’t think he ever saw her, not really.

To Logan, Ellie was just part of the job—a relative of the royal family he’d sworn to protect. Now, at 22 years old and fresh out of college, she’s determined to put aside her X-rated dreams of pat-downs and pillow talk, and find a real life happily ever after.

The Queen of Wessco encourages Ellie to follow in her sister’s footsteps and settle down with a prince of her own. Or a duke, a marquis…a viscount would also do nicely. But in the pursuit of a fairy tale ending, Ellie learns that the sweetest crushes can be the hardest to let go.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

5. Jamie (Visitation Book 5) by Lori Foster

Jamie (Visitation Book 5) by Lori Foster
It's not that the woman in his arms is naked. It's not that he's carrying her up a mountain in a driving storm. What bothers Jamie is that the unconscious redhead is an intruder, someone who could bring him harm. He has his reasons for hiding out in this stark, secluded cabin; for keeping his emotions under wraps; for never, ever getting too close to anyone. But before she passed out in his bed, she said her name was Faith--an appropriate name since he has to take her at her word. Who is she? Why is she here? Who sent her? And what is she doing to him? 

Jamie's used to feelings of wariness, isolation, of being on guard. What he's not used to is this dangerous, nearly uncontrollable new emotion raging through him like a man on fire.

Click here to purchase from Amazon. 

6. The Following Sea (Pirate Wolf series Book 3) by Marsha Canham

The Following Sea (Pirate Wolf series Book 3) by Marsha Canham
The Following Sea is the long-awaited and anticipated story of Gabriel Dante. Book three of the award-winning Pirate Wolf series which began with Across A Moonlit Sea and The Iron Rose. 

The story takes place on the Spanish Main, with pirate attacks, high-seas adventure, lost galleons and sunken treasure, and of course, great romance from the author dubbed by Romantic Times as "the Queen of Swashbuckling Romance"

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

What are your favourite Action/Mystery Comedy romances? Leave a comment and let us know!

The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory

The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory
Princess Theodora Isabella Victoria of Drieden of the Royal House of Laurent is so over this princess thing. After her fiance jilted her on their wedding day, she's back home, having spent four months in exile. Aka it's back to putting on a show for the Driedish nation as the perfect princess they expect her to be. But Thea's sick of duty, so when she sneaks out of the palace and meets a sexy Scot named Nick in a local bar, she relishes the chance to be a normal woman for a change.

But just as she thinks she's found her Prince Charming, he reveals his intentions are less than honourable: he's a spy and he's not above blackmail. As they join forces to find out what happened the day her fiance disappeared, together they discover a secret that could change life as they know it.

I've never tried anything by Ms. Emory, but was hooked in with the blurb, and, this was one of the first present day romance novels that I thoroughly enjoyed. While I love romance novels, there has to be something outside of the romance to keep me intrigued, and this had all the factors - comedy, drama, politics, and mystery. 

While most romance novels are forefront a romance and the plot is secondary, I felt that this novel pushed the plot first, with romance as a secondary feature and it works perfectly. The characters are greatly relatable and you are cheering for them to not only succeed in their mystery, but also fall in love. I was more of a fan of Theodora than Nick, but both still had good qualities.

Overall, a fantastic novel and I can't wait to see more from this author.

Rating: 4/5

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

Happy Release Day To Loud Mouth!

It's release day for Loud Mouth by Avery Flynn! As some of you may know, I've been waiting to read this for quite some time, and if you'll excuse me, I'll be spending the rest of my day with my head in this book. 

Loud Mouth Ice Knights Book Three by Avery Flynn
I never meant to say a word, not one single word. But I did. Now because of something I leaked—without even realizing it—I've inadvertently broken up one of the Ice Knights’ most legendary bromances. And worse—I've kicked hockey star Ian Petrov's grumpy level to insane levels of grump.

And what could make it worse? How about the two of us being trapped together in a remote cabin after a massive blizzard. Neither of us can leave. Just us, the snow, his resentment, and OMG sexual tension so thick it would take a snowplow to break through it.

I’ve got to get out of here before I do something even dumber than I’ve already done and kiss the sexy with his misplaced anger and perfect pecs. That would be the worst, the absolute worst. But… would it be terrible if we gave in? Just a little? It’s not like we’re ever going to have to spend time together again. Until the next morning when we’re told we have to play chummy for the press until this news cycle blows over. F.M.L.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

Now, speaking of Amazon, I posted a couple of weeks ago about ebook providers and who provides the better service, Amazon Kindle, or Scribd (if you missed it, catch it here). Given that my Scribd membership was finally up after my accidental year purchase, I decided after seeing quite a few good things about Amazon Kindle to take the plunge, and try a Kindle Unlimited membership with them.

All was going well until I got a bit too book happy and was informed that I was only permitted to 'borrow' 10 books at a time, and then had to return them before I could take more out. I'm a person who absolutely loves re-reading the same book over and over. I've read Teresa Medeiros' The Bride & The Beast at least twenty times easily, and that's just one book. I will say that I have some reservations about only being able to take ten books at a time as I do love to see my library grow. It's early days yet, but I will say the rose-coloured glasses are slightly slipping.

Has anyone else tried Kindle Unlimited or Scribd yet, and can anyone recommend where they get their ebooks from?

Happy reading!

Saturday Night Film Night!

What are you watching this Saturday night? I'm purely on a happiness kick at the moment, so we're watching When in Rome.

When in Rome - Kristen Bell & Josh Duhamel
Beth is a young, ambitious New Yorker who is completely unlucky in love. However, on a whirlwind trip to Rome, she impulsively steals some coins from a reputed fountain of love, and is then aggressively pursued by a band of suitors.

I don't know if I can possibly love Josh Duhamel in a film anymore than this film. OK, well, we'll debate that over the next few weeks. But he's honestly just perfection in this one. 100% worth many rewatches.

Weekly Round-Up!

It's hard to believe we're almost at the end of June, and almost half the way through the year! We've had some fantastic novels released this year and still more yet to come.

Loud Mouth, Ice Knights Book 3, by Avery Flynn
I absolutely cannot wait for Avery Flynn's newest novel in her Ice Knight's series, Loud Mouth, releasing this Monday, 22nd June, watch out for it!

If you haven't read the other books in the series it doesn't hurt, they are standalone novels, but honestly, highly recommended. Ms. Flynn's Hartigan series exist in the same universe as the Ice Knights, and they're like Peanut Butter & Chocolate, yes, independently they're both great, but together? Cue heart eyes.

I'd recommend starting off with the Hartigan series with Butterface (you can check out my review here) and that way you can get a full introduction, and I will let you know that my favourite of the series is Tomboy, it's utter perfection. Then the Ice Knight series starts off with Parental Guidance, also utter perfection. Honestly, the perfect series to lose yourself in at the moment.

So what have I been up to this week? Well, I'll confess that I am having a hard time getting into new books at the moment. I picked up a really interesting romance book that I'd been excited about and without spoiling which book it was, I was horrified to be reading mid-book and find out that the hero accidentally killed his sister when he was younger and it describes in light detail how she'd accidentally been locked in a trunk. Added into the fact the heroine had just been almost sexually assaulted, I quickly and unfortunately put this down. I've also read another two books that I was really excited for and they just fell flat. I'm not sure if it was because I was too excited to read them and they fell flat, or they genuinely were flat, but maybe something I'll have to pick up.

But onto what I've actually been posting this week. I've started posting films to cheer you up and lift your spirits at the weekend. If you've missed it, check it out here, and don't miss the film recommendation this Saturday!

I've also had a quick review of the best books I've read so far this year here, and two great books that I've reviewed (click the cover to be taken to the review).

                     The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez        Butterface Hartigan Series Book One by Avery Flynn

I may have also mentioned that I'm a bit stuck for book recommendations at the moment, so please let me know what fantastic books you're currently reading!

Have a fantastic weekend and happy reading!

Butterface (Hartigan Series Book 1) by Avery Flynn

It’s true. I’m not what most people would call “pretty” and, well, high school was rough. Fast forward ten years and life is good…Until a bunch of jerks think it’s hilarious to put the “butterface” (AKA me) on a wedding Kiss Cam with the hottest guy ever—and that old humiliation hits hard. I recognize him immediately. The sexiest cop in Waterbury and totally out of my league. But then he kisses me. And we totally forget the room, the crowd, everything. Then he tells everyone we’ve been dating for months.

Soon everything starts to feel too real, from adorable fights over “necessary” tools to fix my broken porch to surviving a free-for-all dinner with his six siblings to picking up where our last kiss left off. But there’s something he’s not telling me about why he’s really hanging around, and I’m pretty sure it has to do with my mob-connected brothers. Because this is not a make-over story, and Cinderella is only a fairy tale…

I'll confess that I accidentally read this series completely out of order, but after thoroughly loving the book I started with, I decided to go back to the beginning. After discovering Ms. Flynn back at the end of 2020, I've quickly read through most of her recent novels, loving the flow, characters and storylines. On that note, if anyone knows of any other great romance hockey series, definitely drop me a line and let me know!

I do have the benefit of hindsight with this series and I will say that this wasn't my favourite of the set (it's Tomboy, and it's been re-read twice), but it was still a strong novel. As mentioned above, you just can't help but like Ms. Flynn's characters. She does an excellent job of not only drawing you into the plotline and main characters, but also building a strong cast of secondary characters that you want to see more of (and thankfully results in more books in the series). It's the same with this novel, and you quickly grow to like all the characters, both major and minor. I did find that this was lighter than her other novels in the series, but there is still a good cast.

I will still confess though that I was a little confused with our heroine, Gina, and I'm still a little uncertain of her nickname, 'Butterface.' I did find in this novel that there wasn't too much of a physical description, other than her nose, but I wasn't entirely sure what was so wrong with her physical appearance. Given that this seemed quite relevant to the novel, I was a little confused, but it's not something that detracts from the novel, it just left me somewhat confused.

The plot itself wasn't similar enough to the rest of her series to make it a cut and paste copy, but reading all three novels, there are definite similarities enough to know that Ms. Flynn is following a similar formula in this series, but they are still very enjoyable and keep you entranced and reading. I did enjoy the chemistry between the characters, and this is a light-hearted romance, with nothing too heavy, that keeps you reading and definitely excited for the rest of the series.

Rating: 3.5/5

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

Recommendations Needed!

I'm struggling a little bit at the moment trying to find some new great romance novels, and keep going back to old favourites. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm quite happy with hockey romance novels at the moment, but am happy with just a great romance novel!

(ARC) The Friend Zone - Abby Jimenez

Kristen Petersen doesn’t do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don’t get her. She’s also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children. Planning her best friend’s wedding is bittersweet for Kristen — especially when she meets the best man, Josh Copeland. He’s funny, sexy, never offended by her mile-wide streak of sarcasm, and always one chicken enchilada ahead of her hangry. Even her dog, Stuntman Mike, adores him. 

The only catch: Josh wants a big family someday. Kristen knows he’d be better off with someone else, but as their attraction grows, it’s harder and harder to keep him at arm’s length. 

The Friend Zone will have you laughing one moment and grabbing for tissues the next as it tackles the realities of infertility and loss with wit, heart, and a lot of sass. 

I was lucky enough to receive an extended preview for The Friend Zone. Compared to the last few years, today's romance novels are receiving more simplistic, but appealing designs, and this is no exception. While this was an extended preview and not the final draft, the formatting was slightly annoying to read, line spacing just far enough out that it pulled slightly from the flow, along with a few errors in italicization, but I'm sure these will be cleaned up for the publication. 

 Written back and forth between our hero and heroine in first person, as many romance novels do nowadays, the novel does draw you in and does provide an interesting read. Our heroine does seem a little rough around the ages, with some interesting comments. Sometimes our heroine's don't need to be rough to be tough, but every woman is unique and different, and kudos to all for different portrayals. Chemistry between our leads is already underway, with our hero already proving his moral strength. 

The extended preview does set the book up nicely, with a few big items already underway - a rival for affections, fertility issues, a car accident - and I'm intrigued to see how these progress.  

Rating: 3.5/5 

Click here to purchase from Amazon. 

Best Romantic Authors 2020 (so far!)

Happy Monday everyone! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I can't believe how quickly this year is going.

I've had a lot more time than I expected to have, and have been able to get through some of my book list. I've found some absolutely incredible authors who I hadn't heard of/read before (during my usual lifestyle, internet and bookstores sadly feature less than I'd like), and here are some of my new favourites:

1. Avery Flynn - Award-winning author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense, her books are light and breezy, but heartfelt and intriguing, providing the perfect romance.

Personal favourites:

              Parental Guidance by Avery Flynn            Tomboy by Avery Flynn

2. R. S. Grey - I'll admit that I've absolutely shot through most of Ms. Grey's novels. A USA Today best-selling author with seven #1 best-selling romantic comedies, she absolutely hooks you in and keeps you reading. Highly, highly recommended.

Personal favourites:

                 Hotshot Doc by R.S. Grey          Not So Nice Guy by R.S. Grey

3. Mimi Jean Pamfiloff - Intriguing, quick-paced, and steamy romances that you'll fly through and want more, definitely one to watch!

Personal favourite:

                                                        Battle of the Bulge by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

4. Cindi Madsen - I picked up one of her romance novels earlier in the year and got distracted, but tried again with one of her Young Adult romances and fell in love.

Personal favourite:

                                                         Operation Prom Date by Cindi Madsen

5. Sally Thorne - I picked up The Hating Game on the train down to my new house, and I just couldn't stop reading. I actually got to the hotel (night before the move in) and just kept reading.

Personal favourite:

                                                        The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

When I find an author I like, I generally end up going through their entire works and just get stuck on them for days.

Which authors have you discovered recently?

Saturday Night Film Night!

What are you watching this weekend? If you haven't seen it yet, check out Dog Days.

Dog Days film
A group of interconnected people in Los Angeles are brought together by their lovely canine counterparts.

All about the importance of dogs in our lives, intertwined with stories of loss, adoption, romance, redemption, it was honestly one of the best and most underrated films I've seen. There's quite a few famous actors in this as well, so I was a little surprised so few people have heard of it, but honestly, it's become one of my favourite films. I will warn, there are tearjerker moments, and I've cried every time I've watched it, but also finished it feeling a lot happier than I did starting it. Honestly, go watch!

What are you watching at the moment?

Weekly Round-Up!

I can't believe it's time for another weekly round-up, this week has shot by (again). I've read some more great best-selling books this week, some new releases, some yet to release. In case you've missed it, check them out below:

    Book Review: Love Me Like You Do by Aimee Brown     Book Review: Fake Play by Carla Swafford     Book Review: The Bride & The Beast by Teresa Medeiros

I had a look at the difference between memberships with Amazon Kindle and Scribd, check it out here. Plus, don't miss out on my top eight romance novels to read right now here.

Next week we've got some great books to review next week from Avery Flynn and Abby Jimenez, and some more exciting lists to be released!

Attracting Aubrey by Avery FlynnIf you're not sure what you're reading this weekend, make sure to check out Harlequin's sale, buy two or more books and receive 30% off using the code JUNEBUY2, valid only 12:00am-11:59pm 12 June ET. Plus, don't miss out on a free copy of Avery Flynn's Attracting Aubrey, available here.

What are you reading this weekend?

The Bride & The Beast - Teresa Medeiros

Dear Reader,

I'd been prowling the crumbling ruins of Castle Weyrcraig for so long that I could no longer remember if I was man or beast. Then one stormy night the superstitious Highlanders of Ballybliss decided to leave a helpless virgin bound to a stake in the castle courtyard to satisfy my insatiable appetites.

My demands might strike terror in the hearts of men, but this bold beauty dared to defy me. After she informed me that she didn't believe in dragons, I had no choice but to make her my prisoner--or risk being exposed to those I had sought to deceive with my dangerous masquerade.

Soon I found myself stealing into the moonlit tower just to watch her sleep. Little does she know that beneath this beast's gruff exterior beats the passionate heart of a man. Gwendolyn Wilder may not believe in dragons, but I intend to use all my sensual wiles to teach her to believe in something even more magical--true love.

Eternally yours,

The Dragon of Weyrcraig

I will start by saying that I fell in love with Teresa Medeiros when I was a teenager and that her books are something to be treasured and re-read over and over. This book is no exception.

Set in Scotland in the 1700s, the reader is instantly drawn into the beauty and romance of the highlands, and the romance writing of time gone by, where the reader is sucked into the story and it's one remembered for years to come. I can't count how many times I've re-read this novel, but it stands out as a truly memorable novel - something rare in this day. All characters, minor and major, make you cheer for them and sigh with them.

One thing that I love about Ms. Medeiros' writing is how easy it is to become completely absorbed. Her writing keeps you itching for more (generally resulting in completing each novel in one sitting), along with being beautifully paced. We aren't instantly thrown into a romance between our characters (combined with an excellent plot), and the slow-build is perfectly paced. Not only does she focus on the romance between our characters, but also adds an intriguing plot that combined with the romance, result in the perfect novel.

There aren't enough good things I can say about this novel, but one that I strongly encourage anyone that is a fan of romance to read.

Rating: 5/5

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

Eight Romance Novel Series To Read Right Now

I love romance series for a few reasons. One, we get more romance novels to read, and that's always a win. Two, I love falling in love with characters in one book who aren't the main characters and see the progression in all of the involved cast. It's like looking at a microcosm of a perfect world. So, it's time for a list of some of my favourite romance series!

To make things easier, I've chosen one romance novel per series, not necessarily my favourite one in that series.

Drop us a comment and let us know your favourite romance series!


1. Butterface (Hartigan Series) by Avery Flynn

Butterface (Hartigan Series) by Avery Flynn
It’s true. I’m not what most people would call “pretty” and, well, high school was rough. Fast forward ten years and life is good…
Until a bunch of jerks think it’s hilarious to put the “butterface” (AKA me) on a wedding Kiss Cam with the hottest guy ever—and that old humiliation hits hard.
I recognize him immediately. The sexiest cop in Waterbury and totally out of my league.
But then he kisses me. And we totally forget the room, the crowd, everything.
Then he tells everyone we’ve been dating for months.
Soon everything starts to feel too real, from adorable fights over “necessary” tools to fix my broken porch to surviving a free-for-all dinner with his six siblings to picking up where our last kiss left off.
But there’s something he’s not telling me about why he’s really hanging around, and I’m pretty sure it has to do with my mob-connected brothers.
Because this is not a make-over story, and Cinderella is only a fairy tale…

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

2. Boy Meets Girl (Boy Series) by Meg Cabot

Meg Cabot (Boy Series) by Meg Cabot
Meet Kate Mackenzie. She: works for the T.O.D. (short for TyrannicalOffice Despot, also known as Amy Jenkins, Director of the Human Resources Division at the New York Journal); is sleeping on the couch because her boyfriend of ten years refuses to commit; can't find an affordable studio apartment anywhere in New York City; thinks things can't get any worse.
They can. Because: the T.O.D. is making her fire the most popular employee in the paper's senior staff dining room; that employee is now suing Kate for wrongful termination, and now Kate has to give a deposition in front of Mitch Hertzog, the scion of one of Manhattan's wealthiest law families, who embraces everything Kate most despises ... but also happens to have a nice smile and a killer bod.
The last thing anybody -- least of all Kate Mackenzie -- expects to find in a legal arbitration is love. But that's the kind of thing that can happen when ... Boy Meets Girl.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

3. Once A Princess (Cardinia's Royal Family Series) by Johanna Lindsey

Once A Princess (Cardinia's Royal Family) by Johanna Lindsey
Once Upon A Time...
In a rustic Mississippi tavern, a beautiful exiled princess was forced to dance for the pleasure of others--unaware of her regal birthright...and infuriated by a magnificent golden-eyed devil who crossed an ocean to possess her.

From A Far Off Land...
A bold and brazen prince came to America to claim his promised bride. But the spirited vixen spurned his affections while inflaming his royal blood with passion's fire...impelling virile Stefan Barany to take in sensuous and searing conquest the love Tatiana vowed never to yield.
Click here to purchase from Amazon. 

4. Styx's Storm (Breed Series) by Lora Leigh

Styx's Storm (Breed Series) by Lora Leigh
To save innocent, young Storme Montague from the claws of Breed slave traders, Wolf Breed Styx is forced to claim her himself-on the condition that Storme will no longer be a virgin by night's end. And though Storme's defenses are up, Styx will free her-in ways she never expects.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

5. Seize The Night (Dark-Hunter Series) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Seize The Night (Dark Hunter Series) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Valerius isn't a popular Dark-Hunter - he's a Roman, which means that the largely Greek Hunters have a major grudge against him and his civilization for superceding them. To make things worse, he's very conscious of his aristocratic background and breeding. So it serves him right when he runs into Tabitha Devereaux. She's sassy, sexy, and completely unwilling to take him seriously. (Not to mention Tabitha is also the sister-in-law of Kyrian, a former Dark-Hunter and Val's mortal enemy.)
What Tabitha does take seriously is hunting and killing vampires-and soon she and Val have to grapple with the deadliest of all Daimons - one who's managed to come back from the dead, and one who holds a serious grudge against both of them. To win against evil, Val will have to loosen up, learn to trust, and put everything on the line to protect a man he hates and a woman who drives him nuts.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

6. The Iron Rose (Pirate Wolf Series) by Marsha Canham

The Iron Rose (Pirate Wolf series) by Marsha Canham
Bound for the Caribbean on a mission for the king, Varian St.Clare's ship is attacked by a Spanish galleon. When a pirate ship, the Iron Rose comes to their rescue, cannons blazing, the emissary is suprised to learn the captain is a woman, Juliet Dante, daughter of the infamous Pirate Wolf.

Click here to purchase from Amazon.

7. Royally Endowed (Royally Series) by Emma Chase

Royally Endowed (Royal Series) by Emma Chase
Logan St. James is a smoldering, sexy beast. Sure, he can be a little broody at times—but Ellie Hammond’s willing to overlook that. Because, have you seen him?? Sexy. As. Hell.

And Ellie’s perky enough for both of them. For years, she’s had a crush on the intense, protective royal security guard—but she doesn’t think he ever saw her, not really.

To Logan, Ellie was just part of the job—a relative of the royal family he’d sworn to protect. Now, at 22 years old and fresh out of college, she’s determined to put aside her X-rated dreams of pat-downs and pillow talk, and find a real life happily ever after. The Queen of Wessco encourages Ellie to follow in her sister’s footsteps and settle down with a prince of her own. Or a duke, a marquis…a viscount would also do nicely.

But in the pursuit of a fairy tale ending, Ellie learns that the sweetest crushes can be the hardest to let go.

Click here to purchase from Amazon. 

8. A Kiss To Remember (Once Upon A Time Series) by Teresa Medeiros

A Kiss To Remember (Once Upon A Time series) by Teresa Medeiros
A daring Regency miss finds her own "Sleeping Beauty" and awakens him with a kiss...

If she is to keep a roof over her siblings' heads, rector's daughter Laura Fairleigh needs a husband. When she finds a mysterious stranger sleeping in the forest with no memory of his name or his past, she decides to claim him for her own.

Little does she know that her fallen angel is really Sterling Harlow, the notorious rakehell also known as the "Devil of Devonbrooke". Too late, Laura realizes she has given him the right to claim not only her home, but her body and her heart. Now she must win the devil's heart to save both their souls.

Click here to purchase from Amazon. 

What are your favourite romance novel series? Drop a comment and let us know!